When you purchase a product from our website, sometimes it takes 3-7 days to process the order before the item can be shipped. Our shipping times may vary depending on the delivery location and item(s) purchased. Typically, it takes 12-30 business days to shipping products within the country. For international destinations, shipping times may range between 12 – 40 business days, depending on your location. Holidays and other special occasions may sometimes affect our shipping schedules, so please check the website for any updates.
In case of queries about order handling and/or delay, drop us an email at support@funkylittlething.com with your complete name, product code and description, along with the date of order placement, and we will get back to you.
At Funky Little Thing, we try to give you the greatest deals with the best prices, so you can shop online with ease. In case of any suggestions or complaints, you can always email us and let your voice be heard.
Stay Funky!